Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Planning...Actually Worth The Time

After reading the title, many think OBVIOUSLY. However, it was not too long ago when this immature teenager completely disagreed. I was the a-typical procrastinator, who left all projects to the last few days. Up until my senior year in high school I operated by this mindset. It wasn't until a film class where I realized that planning paid off.

The handbook reading focused more on the importance of planning before writing a paper, however with my background in film I will relate it to film. Sitting down and planning out what you want to convey to the viewers through shots and movement will add a noticeable amount of coherence and enjoyment. If one does not plan and just goes for broke when the time comes to start writing or filming, they may find that nothing worth value is produced. It will be a meandering jumble of words and shots. However a simple brainstorm and begin to organize ideas the final product will increase in quality. This process will also lend to better development of the story.

Second point that I found to be extremely true in both writing papers and scripts. Focus on details. In a essay the details enforce the point one may being trying to present. In a script the details make it seem all the more real and allows people to identify with. No successful movie has a script that follows one person and sticks strictly to the overall plot line. There are always side stories that add humanesque details that create a much more realistic feeling.

I am now a addvocate of planning and would reccomend it to all. (Even though Im sure most people my age have already figured this out)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this reflection would make for a nice addition to your final reflection paper (just in case you haven't already thought of doing so).