Thursday, February 8, 2007

Modern Society in Technology

After reading the suggested passage focusing on Control, Convience and Progress, one statement resonanted with me. It was mentioned finally in the conclusion that the human race is in a paradox between the use of technology and the critism of overuse of technology. There is the ongoing debate discussing that society is extremely technologically driven that we emerse ourselves so deep into the progression of new technologies. However, there is the other side of the coin, and the ongoing debate whether or not the society is too dependent on technology.

This topic began the gears turning in my head. I thought about a program that I viewed last year which was based on the possibilitly of a solar flare explosion. These are natural occurring instances that happen all the time, but have little or no effect on the earth. However, there is the possibility that a massive explosion could pass the Earth with power that it would mimic a large Electro-Magnetic Pulse. These EMP's would knock out all electricity and therefore all electronic devices. This would leave the World powerless and limp. Subways stopped underground unable to move. Street lights off. Cell Phones useless. Life in developed and industrialized regions paralyzed

My point from this story, is maybe we are too tech. Everyone is on the grid and expected to embrace this ability. Would it hurt to revert back to some self sustaining practices? The ability to rely soley on yourself is long passed, with the system that is utlized in Industralized societies. Interdependence is the only way of living. From genetically mutated kernels of corn, to stem cell research maybe we should as a soceity start to take a step back. I am a vigorous enthusiast of new technologies and even science, but maybe we take ourself and slow down before a solar flare turns the U.S. into a chaotic state.

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