Sunday, February 25, 2007

Maglev - What I Want

To preface this post I will state that I have an EXTREME fear of flying. I am not sure why, but it is prevelent in my life.

Now we move to the heart of the post. I want the Maglev implemented in the United States. This would allow me to travel across parts of the country in a timely fashion while on the ground. The experts might interject and say, well you are actually levatatng due to the magnets. True, but I could handle being a few inches off the ground rather than thousands of feet.

The price does concern me, when building this track could cost in upwards of billions of dollars. What would this relate to ticket prices being? A million a ticket? Obviously not that outrageous but Im sure it will be expensive.

Others may question, are you not worried about a derailment? And the answer is simply, no. I am not. Why? I don't know. Call it personal preference, and if I find this more secure, I am sure that many others who dislike the idea of an engining breaking down at 30,000 feet, will find it too.

Other points that I find interesting and cool is that we have possibly moved into a new era of transportation. Could magents be the new medium for propulsion? What if cars began to operate on this system? Is it feasible, I do not know, just asking; What if?

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