Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Future of Food

After viewing "The Future of Food" in my WRA class, I was astounded by some of the information presented. To start of the largest relavation was how Monsanto was relatively unknown to the common world, but in reality it acts quite similiar to Walmart. They are obviously different in the sense of their products, however identical in their business practices.

The second point that I was amazed to hear was the fact that many wartime activites spawned modern day insectcides. Nerve gases are directly linked to chemicals such as DDT or Agent Orange, which have been employed in the prevention of diseases or insects on plants. Also the fact that many of the fertilzers used today we originated from nitrogen bombs in the military.

Finally the last practice that I find unreasonable is the patenting of living organisms. The Percy Schmiscer case was a perfect example of how outlandish some of these acqusations seem. It is ridiculous to sue a person because seeds have blown off a truck or have been deposited by animals. Also to patent a specific gene located in breast cancer and sue educational facilities is unethical. To expect the youth of America, let alone the scienctists of America, to search for a cure of this human killer without having all of the genes available to research is ridiculous.

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