Friday, February 16, 2007

In Class Discussion 2.15.2007

As we were talking about various topics from bluetooth and alternative fuels for automobiles to Western education, we stumbled onto the topic of education and its recent standardization. From ACT's and SAT's to required cirriculum American education is catering towards the capitalist society we employ. We strive for what most percieve is a good education, but in reality is limiting the mind to professions that have a high salary or prestige status. Education systems around the country attempt to brainwash young minds to head in a path of a lawyer, doctor or engineer. The government further propels this notion by issuing standard tests that only cover topics that are mainly utilized in these mainstream professions.

So what happens when an individual is most talented in a topic that is considered "alternative" to most. I happen. My best talents are in visual arts and film, but no one tested me on that. My talents go unrecognized by most because the ACT or SAT ceases to have a visual arts section. I get it that thses tests serve a purpose to evaluate every student on a even platform. However, it only evaluates those who are status quo students. Those who want to be a lawyer, doctor or engineer. These tests show little about students that want to enter in culinary arts, music or film. Upon further examination and I just realized they basically do not test on any of the arts.

Which brings me to my final point. America is slowly removing itself from artistic minds. Is it because traditionally the field makes a considerable lesser amount of money, and as we know America is driven by wal-mart, fried food and MONEY.

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