Monday, April 23, 2007


I started my homework assignment on Television and actually realized how expansive the web of television expands. At first I thought about entertainment aspects and how many hours are spent in front of the tube in my dorm alone. Now think about all of wilson. Now All of MSU. All of Michigan and finally all of the world. It is truly an amazing thought to comprehend how many eyeballs are constantly tuned into the pixels of television screens.

However then I thought about the news outlet forum. I thought how much of a tool the television is as an informant. To think that I get a majority of my daily news from television programs. The moon landing was broadcast on the television. Presidential elections announced on TV. Sporting events are remembered by the images sent over the airwaves. Tragically also, images of horrific events are put into the houses of everyday Americans. Visions of 9/11 are easily recalled to most because of television, and even more recently the Virgina Tech Massacre was displayed on TV. It is actually the outlet that I was informed about this tragic mass homicide.

There are numerous amount of anti-TV enthusiasts who blame TV for many of today's problems but really if you step back and view it as a tool, it is an extraordinary device.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, the culture of these tragic events, as well as the war coverage, have certainly shaped the culture of TV viewing and production. nice analysis.