Thursday, April 26, 2007

Favorite / Strongest Paper

We have written three major paper and one video presentation. Today's blog was assigned to discuss our favorite and or strongest paper we have written during the class.

The paper called "Mmm, Mmm Organic" I felt was the strongest I have written. However, the paper I received the most enjoyment from was the paper entitled "I'm Italian, and Not a Mobster; How Can This Be?"

Naturally I found this to be enjoyable, because I was able to research about my heritage and discover many aspects I was unaware of. I had the opportunity to discuss this problem with other Italians (mainly in my family) and receive other viewpoints. Having a strong sense of Nationalism lend to a strong feeling or pride as I wrote about my heritage as well. I also feel that it lead to increased motivation and stronger paper. However, not as strong as "Mmm, Mmm Organic."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree--both were stunning papers. and i'm glad you actually enjoyed writing them. nice work.