Thursday, March 29, 2007


I have posted previously that explains my hatred for flying. I am getting better at cope with this phobia but still no where near have it habitualized.

Now add in the factor that this QSST (Quiet SuperSonic Transportation) is being explored and my fear is heightened ever so more.

True I would no longer need to be in the air for long periods of time, but add in the fact that I am moving around 1200 mph and leaving my screams far behind unable to hear from the sonic boom. The parts are all brand new and the design is innovated but not proven through vigorous tests.

May it is just me but this plane makes me want to stay in a car more. It does serve a purpose allowing people to travel half way around the world in single digit hours.

This plane is years away from production, and will not be used for the masses due to its 80 million dollar price tage and limited capacity of 12.

Great thought, will help others not for Anthony.

Italians In the Media

We have recently been assigned a paper that requires us to research a certain parts of our background that has affected our life in some way. Then with a part of our background we have to develve deeper into ona dn research how the media portrays that certain aspect.

I choose my Italian descent and how the media only portrays Italians as mafia members.

To be honest at a young age I was a kid that embrace this feeling of my ancestry was correlated with these rough tough beings. However as I have aged and became enlightened, I realized I was a manipulated youngster duped by the media. I bought into watching these glorified gangster movies and thought, these people are not bad, THEY AR E COOL!

Now I realize no they are not.

I am intrigued by this paper, because I not only get a chance to defend Italians but also looking deeper into this subject matter to better understand myself. Until I am done, and forever more FORZA AZZURRI and VIVA ITALIA.

Asian "IT" Tracking Device

DJ, a korean student attending MSU, presented a device that I believes that get it right. This is a system that coordinates a card, GPS locater and cell phone alert system.

What this basic setup entails is a constant surveillance of young children. It is a closed loop system that is between the child, parent and company. It has the features of immediate alert that can be activated by the child to alert the mother and company. This way if the child feels endangered he or she can pull down on the device and have help sent immediately.

This system has been linked with the school system so that children check in and out of school and alerts the mother. This way a worried mother can know exactly when or if her child leaves school or arrives.

The only concern with this product is that it could be lost and end up in the hands of a the wrong person. If this were to happen they, meaning the person who found the deivce, would be able to track the childrens movements.

I personally believe this is a great system that will soon catch wind and move across the pacific to America.

Monday, March 19, 2007

An Arab on TV, It Must Be 24!

In class we watched a short film that focussed on the frequency people saw Arabs on television. This short is called The Arab World: As Seen on TV, and can be found at It sparked a thought in my mind, and I began to recall when I last saw a Arab on television. Quickly your brain moves to the nighlty news, where the War on Terror seems to reign supreme. However, now filter out the news and when is the last time a Arab was on tv? The only characters that appear to me, are Apu from the Simpsons and the Fox Show 24. These both portray arabs as a stereotype: a convience store owner or terrorist.

Now as I read Culture and Technology, a book written by Jennifer Slack and J. Macgregor Wise, I am informed of how Technology and Identity are intertwined. They discuss how Technology and Idenity are interdependent of one another and how both shape the other. They go on to talk about how certain traits are a greater or lesser factor in the overall scheme. The biggest countributor in my opinion is Profitability. They discuss how technology is motivated by increased profits. I believe this is related to how Arabs are portrayed on television.

As wrong as it may seem to ask, but honestly would a show with a predominatly Arab cast be succesful in America? No, it would not. Now is this because all arabs are terrorists? No it is just the unfortunate subsequent result of the awful events of 9/11. The portrayl of Arabs as Terrorists on television is merely driven by profits. It is not the hidden agenda of movie producers, that are looking for an outlet to release manifested anger.

The video titled the Arab World: As Seen on Tv is well edited and produces a very clear image of how misrepresented the bulk of Arabic people are protrayed on television. It is the capitalistic mentality of the nation we live in, where we are willing to sacrifice others to increase our quality of life, better worded as MONEY.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Maybe I am just paranoid, or looking too far into the scene. It could be I am somewhat rebelious and enjoy personal freedom. Or it is possible that I do not enjoy having a device that acts as a tether for friends and online.

Thursday in class there was a presentation on a new phone that had an option that would ultilize GPS sattelites to pinpoint your position on the Earth. It sounds awesome and a cool new gadet that the "cool kids" will have. It will most likely be the new hip add on to the phone, and most teens and young adults will have it on their phone, but look deeper and the dark side begins to surface.

Anyone who has the Mologolo program, which is free to download, can see who is in the area, the state the country. It pinpoints a user on the screen within a few meters. You can set a feature that allows only your friends to view you.

To me this just another technology that is being marketed correctly to engage young minds. What it actually is however, is a techonology that puts a person on the grid. We as a soceity are moving towards a virtual world, where privacy takes a back seat. Just as cell phones did, now it is expected that everyone can be reached at all times. However, at least with phones you do NOT have to answer.

In a time with increased concern over online venues such as myspace and facebook, are we really interested in a techonolgy that allows the public to view your position? I s it just me, or does this sound like a child molestor's dream product? Think now, people can view your every move with out anyone knowing. Forget creepy adults, think about jealous ex's. Psychotic stalkers?!?

This is a product that has great potential when used correctly, camping trips or as rentals in amusement parks, but for public will act more as a tracking device for creeps than a useful location device for teens.

Parents, watch your child, don't let them be watched by others.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Today we had two presentations about two different technologies that I am indifferent about. The first dealt with LASIK eye surgery, which is now a fairly common procedure that corrects vision. The main positive about this surgery is it allows the patient to see clearly without the help of glasses or contacts. There are some risks involved and the results are not guarenteed to last. In fact there are some cases where it had deterotatied enough where the patient had to have the surgery again within a year. The other negative is the cost, which ranges from $500-$1500 per eye.
I have perfect vision without glasses at the moment, but realize that it will not last forever and glasses will be inevitable as I age. However, when that decision is needed to be made is when I become uncertain. I am not 100% sure that I would go ahead with the surgery. The thought of losing my eyesight still sits in the back of my mind. I realize the success rate is extremely good and that it has become fairly routine to perform. The pictures of the operation and the position that the patient's eye resembles a medivial torture device. The eye lids are spread apart and the eye is fully exposed giving the impression that they are in extreme terror. However, to counter it I have been told how I take the ability to wake up and immediately see for granted.
Perhaps I will only completely understand all of the components that attribute to the final decision to go through this procedure when I am faced with blurry vision. At the moment, I just feel that it is not worth the risk of losing all vision when I find immense entertainment in observing nature and film. However it could all change if I need Coke bottles to capture these images.