Monday, January 22, 2007

1.18.07 In Class

Defining Science and Technology is a relatively easy task. Defining Technology and Culture however is a different matter. At first thought, these terms seem so different that they are easy to distingush. However, upon further examination similarities and dependencies are apparent. In my personal case, I was enlightened to a new level on this subject due to the in class lecture and reading. I have taken many of the technologies that are used on a daily basis for granted. What I found extremely, interesting was when we started naming things that we as a culture would not have if technology was not present, and even more so when we started to define "cyborg." I was naive to its true meaning, linking it to terminator status. Down to the medicines I ingest to pins that held my hand together for months, I am emersed in a society that everyone a cyborg. It is frightening at first, but it returns to reassuring to know that technology has provided the human race a prolonged quality life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Nice reflection here. I like how you share your learning process with me here--not to mention your realization that the relationships between technology and culture are complex and varied. I find the cyborg phenomenon an interesting one, as well. Many who think they may reject technology in their everyday life can actually be (and most likely are in some way) cyborgs themselves.